Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday, June 2, 2011

What I been doing this week

So far, this week I been working in the lesson 3.
This is the link of my web site of Tags

Thursday, May 19, 2011

What I been doing this week so far!

I reread vim tutor, and have been practicing Getting Down with HTML
and did the following sites:
1. Minimal page
2. Headings
So far I'm working in the third lesson.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Identifying What to Style

This week I been learning about Tags.
So far I been practicing with ancestor tags, parent tags, and sibling tags.
I posted my work below so you can review it.
Here is my work

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What I Learned the Third Quater

So far the third quater I have been learning unix vocabulary or name as well the basic skills to survive web designing.

Also, something that was really interesting was, start working with HTML designing and understanding the basic and formats of a web page as:

Changing the appearance of  HTML  pages with Cascade Style Sheet is one of the most interest experiences that I had in the class. By doing and changing and giving a new form and look to HTML pages. Even thought I had hard time to keep up with the new assigments I steel like and I will improve my skills.
Here is my web page